The views and opinions expressed on (blog) are that of the blog owner(s) and while at times we may consult with medical professionals, naturopathic specialists, physical trainers, therapists, psychologists or psychiatrists, we the blog owner(s) are not medical professionals, naturopathic specialists, physical trainers, therapists, psychologists or psychiatrists. The information posted on this blog is based on our own personal experience and points of view. What works for us may not work for you.
No information on this site should be relied upon to determine diet, make a medical diagnosis, or determine treatment for a medical condition.
If you have a health concern of any kind consult with your healthcare professional.
Before changing any diet, exercise, supplementation or medication you should consult with a doctor, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition.
Statements on (blog) about products and health conditions have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
Information presented by (blog) is for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice of a doctor or other medical professional. (blog) does not make any medical claims or warranties regarding the use of any products listed on this site. The information presented is general in nature and these remedies may not be for everyone. Remedies, supplements, and herbs do have side effects. You should consult your doctor before taking any medication.
By reading this website, (blog), you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own health decisions. Do not take anything from any website, including this one, and try it without proper research and medical supervision.