Begin The Journey

Chapter 6: The Way

The Way

Behaviors don’t define who we are; they lend us clues to where we are. Our behaviors reflect our beliefs, both those that serve us and those that don’t.

So, where are we on our journey? What do our behaviors tell us? Are we stuck in the shallows of the body of consciousness, or are we diving deep into adventure and discovery?

Our exoteric, three-dimensional body of consciousness remains contained, confined to the box. Our point of reference defines our reality and extends right to left, front to back, up and down. This confinement creates our three-dimensional experience: 7 positions of reference (center + six sides) and 12 edges (points). This is our box. Everything has a place, time, and space. Right versus wrong. Black versus white. Day versus night.

Yes? If we choose it.

No, if we don’t.


Many believe that the greatest story ever told is that of the Son of God, who came to Earth as a human being to fulfill the divine plan of salvation. It’s the story of a man who preached a message of love, forgiveness, and redemption, who performed miracles to demonstrate his divinity.

It’s also a story of containment, oppression, and an abusive community that ostracizes those who are different. It’s the story of an abusive father, a supposed supreme being who required torment, and the gruesome death of his only child to save all of humanity. The proverbial innocent lamb, sacrificed, taking upon himself the judgment of every sin. If we simply believe and accept his sacrifice, we’ll resurrect as he did and share in eternal life—someday. And, that’s how the story goes. Is this literal interpretation truly a guidepost for morality and personal growth? Or, is it a grim bedtime story meant to scare the youngsters into compliance?

The exoteric narrative requires that consciousness stay contained. It’s satisfied with the external, easy-to-follow narratives, regardless of how nonsensical they may be. The hierarchy says, “This is the way,” the path handed down to us by those whose consciousness also remained contained. 


The esoteric, multi-dimensional essence of consciousness is unbound by the box. Our point of reference begins to expand, and a deeper reality unfolds. It transcends the limitations of our point of reference. It embraces a reality that extends infinitely in all directions. This expansion and boundlessness in our consciousness create a multi-dimensional reality where every point is the center and every direction is infinity.

The greatest story never told is the story of liberation, of sovereignty, of a loving interdependent community that celebrates and embraces diversity. It’s the story of the Child of the Universe who comes to Earth as a divine being to awaken humanity—through her own awakening. It’s the story of self-actualization, transformation, and reunification.

It’s also the story of a healthy, self-actualized, loving parent, a cosmic force that radiates unconditional love and guidance, supporting the growth and evolution of all beings. There’s no requirement for sacrifice or atonement, only the invitation to awaken to our true nature: harmony.

The esoteric experience invites us to explore and expand into the depths of our being. To discover the infinite possibilities of existence beyond the confines of external narratives. It invites us to embrace the mystery of our existence and awaken to the truth that we are all divine beings, interconnected and interdependent, co-creating the unfolding story of the universe.

The esoteric hands us the keys to heaven; it invites us to believe in ourselves, to believe in our power, to resurrect, to move mountains, and to create miracles.


The word “Christian” comes from the Greek word Χριστιανός (Christianos), which means “follower of Christ” or “belonging to Christ.” It’s derived from Χριστός (Christos), meaning “Christ” or “the anointed one.”

In the exoteric traditions, the term “anointing” has roots in the ancient practice of anointing individuals with oil as a symbol of consecration or divine blessing. In the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), prophets, priests, and kings were anointed with oil as a sign of their special connection to God and their consecration for their respective roles. All external—exoteric—physical gestures of the non-physical esoteric experience.

In esoteric traditions, the concept of “the anointing” carries deeper spiritual and symbolic meaning, often related to the idea of inner enlightenment or divine knowledge. In the internal—esoteric—context, “anointing” refers to the spiritual awakening experienced by individuals who have embarked on a journey of inner exploration and discovery.

The focus shifts from blind subjugation of the literal interpretation to eyes-wide-open exploration of the inner, spiritual significance.

If we interpret ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’ from our three-dimensional box, the body of consciousness, it becomes a narrative of privilege and abuse. Which makes sense, most of us start our awakening here, in the climate of abuse. Our idea of God is small, like the authority figures that surround us. The commonality is oppressive, limited, harming, and unsafe. This version of God shows up as a being that doesn’t know love and struggles to love his only Son.

When we interpret ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’ through our journey of awakening ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’ with some help from the esoteric symbolism, our idea of God becomes magnificent, healing, unlimited, with strength beyond our imagination. He shows up as an energy that is love and begets love within every aspect of his creation.

When the three-dimensional box unfolds, what do we see? A cross, the bud of consciousness blooming.

For verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

If we want to attract miracles, we have to be the miracle. If we want what extends beyond our three-dimensional reality we have to be that extension. Go this distance. When we learn to overcome our nature, "then this force rises and tears all the veils and no power among the higher and lower beings is able to stop us and prevent anything we ask for."

Through spiritual practices, contemplation, and inner transformation, our consciousness blooms. We come to understand our compassionate nature, our ability to relinquish harmful beliefs, choices, and behaviors (they hang on our cross), and our capacity to bear witness, forgive, and transform through compassion (the little deaths and resurrections in life) extends into the infinite.

The question remains, where are we on our journey?


Take a minute to acknowledge where we are. There’s no right or wrong answer. Every step is a milestone to the next.

Do our belief systems create and save space for us to be indifferent to harm, to justify harm, or take pleasure in harm? Do we look up to abusive and oppressive figures of authority? Do we subjugate ourselves to their commands? Is our way forward to stay in the darkness, blindly obedient, subservient, and complacent inside the box?

Or, do our belief systems create and save space to learn, grow, and transcend? Do we move forward in our lives with curiosity, compassion, and grace? Is our way forward through the darkness as an active participant in our story? Is our way forward free from the confines of a boxed in world terrified to spread its wings?

Where are we, and where are we going?

Does Princess Psyche patiently wait for Prince Consciousness to rescue her? Or, does the Princess begin slaying dragons now, knowing that she and Consciousness are the same?

Will we wait to be liberated – someday?
Or, will we liberate ourselves – today?

We choose our way.